Education Partnerships
Community Centre Alliance
2024-25 Scholarship Recipients
2024-25 Scholarship Recipients
19th Annual Fry Family Foundation Community Centre Alliance Scholarships
2024-2025 FFF CCA Award/Bursary Recipients
The new program has been simplified and is now being administered by the Post-secondary Institutions. During the transition to the new scholarship program, the Foundation will continue to renew and honour existing scholarships from previous years.
Enid Pendergast Youth Involvement Awards
The Award recognizes and rewards high school students who have shown great Community Centre engagement. There is one award per Centre. Jaden Pittman Gillespie - Froude Avenue Community Centre Zakaria Masha- McSheffrey Resource Centre Jaden Clarke - Rabbittown Community Centre Lucas Strickland - Buckmasters Circle Community Centre Andrew Bradbury - Virginia Park Community Centre |
Post-Secondary Scholarships
Memorial University/Marine Institute Dr. Philip Warren Exceptional Achievement Award Duaa Ramadan, Walaa Ramadan, Tariq Alsidawi, Yasmin Alsherif College of the North Atlantic Bob Dawson Bursary Destinee Beck, Ahmad Alhakeem, Natalie McKenna |
2024-2025 FFF CCA Scholarship Renewals
During the transition to the new scholarship program, the Foundation will continue to honour and renew existing scholarships from previous years.
Post-Secondary Scholarship Renewals
Dr. Philip Warren Exceptional Achievement Scholarship - Dakota Butler, Baraa Alkhalif, Tristin Clarke, Madison Murrins, Emily Sheppard, Amy Wilcox, Allison Yetman, Nicholas Yetman MUN Entrance Scholarship - Erika Meadus, Reanna Van Thiel Bob Dawson Post-Secondary Entrance Scholarship - Madison Kennedy, Safaa Nahhat Post-Secondary Entrance Scholarship - Fatemah Al Ahmad, Khaled Aldagher, Jillian Stevenson, Momoh Octavious 2023-24 Dr. Philip Warren Exceptional Achievement Scholarship Activation - Rita Connors Opportunity Fund - Amanda Chipman |
2024-2025 Scholarship Awards Ceremony Highlights
There were so many special things about this year's ceremony including, 5 Youth awards, 7 new scholarships being awarded and 18 scholarships being renewed or activated! Ed Wade did a great job as Master of Ceremonies. CCA Co-leads Michelle Wall and Janice Henstridge also helped with the ceremony. FFF President Paul Burt welcomed everyone to the event. Featured Guest Speakers including FFF Scholarship Alumni Richard Bishop, Jillian Stevenson and Emily Sheppard, who all reflected on what receiving FFF support meant to them. The Froude Avenue Community Centre SPARK Group spoke about their experience in the 2024 Newfoundland and Labrador Regional Marine Advanced Technology (MATE) Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Competition at Marine Institute. Speaking on behalf of the team were Jaden Pittman and the two coaches - Grace Newman and Gavin Richards, who are MUN Engineering work term students. FFF Trustees Marie and Erin Burt delivered remarks about the CCA Scholarship program and the FFF Alumni Network. FFF Founders, Darryl and Marlene Fry were visiting from Ontario, as well as many of our local FFF Friends. In addition, event setup and serving was done masterfully by CCA students who had completed the 'Value of Work, Value of Money' youth employment and skills program.