About UsThe Fry Family Foundation (FFF) is a private, U.S. based organization. It was founded and funded by Darryl and Marlene Fry, who were born and educated in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador (NL). In 1996, Darryl created five scholarships at Memorial University (MUN) to reward the accomplishments of the next generation and to recognize individuals who had inspired him. Establishing these scholarships inspired him to co-found the Fry Family Foundation with his wife Marlene in 1997. Read more about their story in Givers of the World: Celebrating 25 years of student support by the Fry Family Foundation. Learn more about Our Team of Trustees, Friends and Founders.
VisionIn 2022, FFF celebrated 25 years of providing support to community and education partners. FFF continues to provide support for disadvantaged segments of society, and also support for the development of leadership skills within our student population through a range of activities that include scholarships, community education, entrepreneurship and social enterprise. The Foundation has made a commitment to focus its efforts and resources towards NL. Whenever possible, FFF will seek to deepen the impact of our investment by incorporating more education and leadership deliverables into our projects.
Ethical PrinciplesFFF projects and funds are directed towards organizations that demonstrate strong, capable and energetic management, fiscal accountability and tax compliance. All charities we support must pass the USA public charity test or maintain status as a hospital, university, school or community.
Latest NewsLearn about our latest scholarship recipients from CNA, MUN, MI, and Community Centre Alliance. Check out Our Alumni stories of past recipients. Learn about FFF initiatives with MUN, MI and CNA that foster Leadership, Service Learning and Entrepreneurship.
FFF Alumni NetworkWe've established an FFF Alumni Network. Our vision is to create a nurturing network of current FFF Scholarship students and FFF Scholarship Alumni mentors who work together in a career and personal support network to promote the success of FFF scholarship students at MUN, MI and CNA. We're still in the early stages, so if you're interested in joining the group, SIGN UP using this link or scanning the QR code. Check out our FFF Alumni page. Contact us if you have questions or if you're interested in submitting an update for our quarterly FFF Alumni newsletter.
Mission Statement
Fry Family Foundation helps to build stronger communities by supporting health, social causes, nature and the arts. The Foundation also invests in the development of the future talent of youth through numerous scholarships and partnerships with Educational Institutions.