Past Community Partnerships - NL
Mary Gordon is a Newfoundlander who got a doctorate at Memorial University before going to Toronto to work in the education field. There, she created parenting and literacy programs while encountering families suffering from domestic violence, child abuse and neglect. In 1996 she founded the Roots of Empathy program in Ontario to fill a void she saw in the world. The not-for-profit organization operates a program in which school children spend time with babies and learn from their honest emotions, developing and maintaining empathy. For over 25 years, their mission has been to build caring, peaceful, and civil societies through the development of empathy in children and adults. It has been recognized as Canada’s most effective anti-bullying program.
Roots of Empathy was launched in Newfoundland and Labrador in 2001. In 2005 FFF provided funds to the Roots of Empathy Program for training 15 instructors in St. John’s. At the time, our Foundation was the first local presence to support Roots of Empathy in NL. We are proud to have provided financial support to this program for several years and helped Roots of Empathy to 'change the world classroom by classroom'. Every year, there are now almost 100 Newfoundland and Labrador babies “teaching” in classrooms. The programs are offered in both French and English and in Indigenous communities. Roots of Empathy programs are supported by the Government of NL as well as regional agencies and community funders.
Read more in Newfoundland woman started Roots of Empathy program, and it has spread around the world.
Roots of Empathy was launched in Newfoundland and Labrador in 2001. In 2005 FFF provided funds to the Roots of Empathy Program for training 15 instructors in St. John’s. At the time, our Foundation was the first local presence to support Roots of Empathy in NL. We are proud to have provided financial support to this program for several years and helped Roots of Empathy to 'change the world classroom by classroom'. Every year, there are now almost 100 Newfoundland and Labrador babies “teaching” in classrooms. The programs are offered in both French and English and in Indigenous communities. Roots of Empathy programs are supported by the Government of NL as well as regional agencies and community funders.
Read more in Newfoundland woman started Roots of Empathy program, and it has spread around the world.